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The Gallery Gazetteer


Chinese artist Qiu Zhijie resorted to painting the walls of Chambers of Fine Art.

Qiu Zhijie painting at the Chambers of Fine Art. Photo by Chambers of Fine Art New York.

Having opened on March 12, the exhibit "Mochou: recent works by Qiu Zhijie" will be presented until May 9 at the Chambers of Fine Art in Chelsea. The artist rose to an unusual challenge. What do you do if your paintings are not available 24 hours before the opening of your exhibit? It happened to Qiu Zhijie and the Chambers of Fine Art in New York last month.

After a successful exhibit at the Chambers of Fine Art Bejing, Qiu Zhijie began to work on fourteen paintings using ink and paper, to be presented for the American audience. The paintings arrived at JFK on March 5. Unfortunately, on March 11, just one day before the opening, the artwork had not yet been released by US Customs. Most people will have cancelled the exhibition, but that was not the case for Qiu Zhijie.

"Mochou: Recent works by Qiu Zhijie." Photo by Chambers of Fine Art New York.

The 40 year old artist went straight to Chinatown, bought some ink and brushes and started painting, following his inspiration and thoughts. Beginning March 11 at 3:00 pm, he painted for twenty hours without sleeping. On March 12 at 6:00 pm, for the opening reception, the walls of the gallery were entirely covered by contemporary and inventive drawings.

Painting directly on the walls offered to the artist an incomparable freedom, and we can feel that freedom in Qiu Zhijie's work. It seems that he expresses himself and all his imaginary ideas on these walls without restraint. It is a very inspiring work. You can recognize not only Chinese themes, but also intriguing ideas and concepts. One is the hand of the artist's newborn daughter holding an image of the world.

Qiu Zhihie painting. Photo by Chambers of Fine Art New York.

The name of the exhibit, "Mochou," come from a famous Chinese legend: a young girl during the Qin dynasty was so poor that she has to sell herself in order to pay for her dad's funeral. Her unhappy marriage makes her commit suicide in a lake, which became the Mochou Lake: a very popular tourist attraction in Nanjing (situated in the south of China).

Qiu Zhijie is very popular in China and has worked with almost all the tools and media available for an artist, from video to calligraphy, sound installation and photography. He lives in China and has exhibited since 1992 all over Asia, Europe and America.As of this writing, the paintings are still at the airport. The creative wall of Qiu Zhijie will be painted over on May 9. [Suzanne Trouve Feff]





Chambers of Fine Art

Adress: 210 11th Avenue, 4th Fl
New York, NY 10001 USA
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 10am-6pm
Price: Free
Official website:

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