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CONTENTS, October 2009

Caricature of Glenn Loney by Sam Norkin.

Rare Books Pay a Visit to Manhattan for a 600th Anniversary!
Don’t Judge a Red Book by Its Cover?
Architectural Phantasies Hidden Away at the Met Museum!
Lincoln & John Brown on Central Park West:
Half a Century for the Guggenheim, also Lincoln Center!
Feminist Jewish Artists Confront Orthodoxy!

From Ceramic Clays to Kaolin Porcelains:

Celebrating the Arts in the Former B. Altman Building:



What was Henry Hudson really like?

Some New York Museums & Libraries are delving deep into dusty Archives to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Henry Hudson’s entrance into the Harbor of what would soon become Nieuw Amsterdam & his successful navigation of the North River with his historic vessel, The Half Moon.

Although Hudson was an English Sea Captain, he was in the employ of the Dutch East India Company, so the young city that would soon rise on the harbor was not initially named Manhattan. But Hudson was honored, when the North River was renamed the Hudson River.

Curiously, in the several exhibitions concerned with Hudson & the Dutch who settled here, there is little to be learned about this Intrepid Explorer himself.

Early maps of lower Manhatten

Mapping New York’s Shoreline--now at the NYPL--displays not only remarkable & rare maps of the actual shorelines of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, & The Bronx, but also a Chronology of Views of what had been constructed or developed along the shores, beginning with Hudson’s discoveries.

These are drawn from the Public Library’s considerable Print Collections & its Map Treasures, which are said to now number over 400,000. A Bonus for visitors to this free exhibition is a large Six Fold Souvenir with various Historic Maps & Drawings reproduced!

In case you don’t know what the Dutch had to offer America in the early 17th Century, Russell Shorto’s recent history, The Island at the Center of the World, will give you some idea: we could all be Speaking Dutch today, had the English not displaced them…

DUTCH ARTIFACTS -- PhotoCollectie Gemeentemuseum DenHaag

But you can actually see some Dutch Art & Artifacts, inspired by the Inventory left behind by Margrieta van Varick--Varick Street preserves the Family Name!--at the Bard Graduate Center Gallery.

Thanks to the World Wide Colonial Explorations of the Dutch Merchant Fleet, Frou Van Varick had lived in Malacca before she & her Pastor Husband arrived in what was Vlacke Bosch, now Flatbush.

5 Dutch Days, 5 Boroughs

She set up shop in Brooklyn, with an astonishing array of goods from Asia & from Europe. The Bard Show suggests the Wares she had to sell, as well as the Treasures she kept at home. In effect--as so little was known about her--the Inventory of Her Goods has proved the Key to Unlocking the Past.

You may call them Dutch or Hollanders if you will, but they are really Netherlanders & they want to share some of their Art & Culture with New Yorkers with 5 Dutch Days, 5 Boroughs which will run from 12-16 November.

In fact, the Netherlands Government has lent Vermeer’s "Masterpiece," The Milkmaid, to the Metropolitan Museum for the Autumn Celebrations. They sent only one Vermeer, but in a time of Terrorism & Insane Insurance Charges, it’s amazing they sent anything other than his Palette & Brushes…

Vermeer "The Milkmaid"

It turns out that The Milkmaid is a kind of Soft Core Delft Porn, painted on commission for a Dutch Nobleman who--as others of his Ilk & Time--found images of subservient & potentially available Servant Girls quite a Tease!

You can hear this Info on WQXR--now moving to Public Radio, FM 105.9--from a Met Museum Expert, possibly hoping for Increased Attendance? This is a rather small canvas, so one hopes no one gets injured in the Crush of Prurient Art Lovers, hoping to catch the Provocative Naughtiness beneath the Milkmaid’s placid gaze.

Some years ago, most of Vermeer’s great works--there’s not just one that’s a Masterpiece!--from the Rijksmuseum & other Dutch Musea were here On Loan. At the time, I thought this would be the last time these Priceless Paintings would ever cross the Atlantic…

Fortunately, the Met has its own Vermeers--as does the Frick, who didn’t loan them to the Met for this show--so the small scale Milkmaid canvas doesn’t look too lonely on the wall. There is even another wall plastered with reproductions of all the Vermeers!

What would some of these Masterpieces have looked like, had Vermeer had a Window on the other side of his Chamber? The soft light comes from a high window on the left(top of page)

Rare Books Pay a Visit to Manhattan for a 600th Anniversary!

Anno Domini 2009 seems to be a year crammed with Anniversaries!

Leipzig Mahzor

Not only Henry Hudson & Watteau, but also the University of Leipzig, which is 600 Hundred Years Old!

The Saxon City Fathers had to ask the Pope’s Permission to create their world famous University. Imagine what would happen if Southern Methodist or Ohio Wesleyan had to petition the Vatican to set up shop!

Goethe once wrote: A little Learning is a Dangerous Thing.

In Medieval Times, the Church had to ensure that there wasn’t Too Much Learning spread abroad--especially Reading & Writing for the Serfs & Vassals. For Centuries, only the Clergy could read the Holy Bible, interpreting it for the Masses at the Masses

What is amazing among the Priceless Rare Books & Manuscripts from Leipzig--now on loan at the Grolier Society--is the actual manuscript of the Oldest Surviving Greek Text from the New Testament: the Codex Sinaiticus!

So named because it was previously preserved in St. Catherine’s Monastery, near the foot of Mount Sinai, which Your Scribe recently visited, not knowing the Codex had been removed to Leipzig.

[Codex Inspired Observation: For all those Christian Fundamentalist Fanatics--who insist that "Every word in the Holy Bible is the Revealed Word of God!"--it should be remembered that English was not the First Language of the Old Testament Prophets nor of Jesus’ Disciples!]

Important Historic Works of Judaica & Islam are also on view--in addition to the impressive manuscripts dealing with Christianity--but these are only a few of the Leipzig Library’s riches.

I was astonished to see a segment of the famed Ebers Papyrus, written on medical matters, but also important in dating long forgotten Pharonic reigns. This dates from the 16th Century BC!

Dr. Ulrich Johannes Schneider--the University Librarian--has accompanied these Treasures & has been giving explanatory tours of the Rarities on view.

Dr. Schneider has edited a magnificent & richly illustrated Catalogue, also titled In Pursuit of Knowledge, which can be purchased at the exhibition. Or ordered from Grolier…

If you are not able to visit the show, but you are fascinated by Historic Manuscripts, you will surely want to have this handsome volume.

Even if you visit Leipzig in the near future, you won’t be able to see all these famed manuscripts together in the same room as you now can at the Grolier Society.

What you will see first from the train as you arrive--either from Berlin or Dresden--is the University’s great Modernist High Rise, shaped like an Open Book! This is your destination for the Knowledge of Antiquity

[But don’t miss a concert by the Gewandhaus Orchester, conducted in the DDR Days by Professor Kurt Masur, who later emigrated to the New York Philharmonic.

[Another world famous Musical Monument is the St. Thomas Church, with an impressive statue of Johann Sebastian Bach outside. Bach was the longtime Kantor here. The justly celebrated Boy Choir, the Thomaner Chor, is famed for its Bach Motets.] (top of page)


Don’t Judge a Red Book by Its Cover?

The Red Book

Zürich is also Visit Worthy & an important Culture City of Europe, but one of its Rarest of Books was locked in a Bank Vault for decades, never to be seen. Now, however, the book itself & the remarkable facsimile that has been digitally created from it is now on view here in Manhattan at the Rubin Museum!

This is The Red Book, called his Liber Novus, by C. G. Jung, the noted Swiss psychologist. Some scientists doodle creatively, but Jung began seeing Mandalas in his dreams & drew them in color, even though he had no grounding in Tibetan or Himalayan Arts & Religion.

The Rubin Museum is a Treasure House of Mandalas & sacred images of Hindus, Jains, & Buddhists, so it’s an excellent setting for showing the actual Red Book & the remarkable facsimile of the Liber Novus.

Jung descended into his Unconscious, having such remarkable & even terrifying visions that he was impelled to record them in Surreal & Symbolic Drawings & texts that seem to have a Life of Their Own. Out of these Metaphysical Experiences, Jung developed his theories about Archetypes, the Collective Unconscious, & the Process of Individuation.

If you think you have Been Here Before, you may find some clues in Liber Novus

Some Opinion Maker over at The New York Times--the "Paper of Record"--has called The Red Book "The Holy Grail of The Unconscious." So its Inspirational Enablements--the Book, not the Times--will be explored in a series of Red Book Dialogues, featuring such Celebrity Intellectuals as John Adams, David Byrne, Kathleen Chalfant, Andre Gregory, John Patrick Shanley, Cornel West, Robert Thurman, father of Uma, & Gloria Vanderbilt, mother of Anderson Cooper!

One look at The Red Book & you’ll understand why Dr. Freud & Dr. Jung followed different paths in unlocking the Secrets of the Unconscious(top of page)


Architectural Phantasies Hidden Away at the Met Museum!

One of the most unusual exhibitions I’ve seen in months is hidden away at the Met Museum, in a small ante room at the foot of the stairs, on the Mezzanine Level of the Contemporary American Gallery. It may be difficult to find, but the Architectural Drawings & Fantasies created by Pablo Bronstein are amazing!

Bronstein "The Museum Nearing Completion 2009"

One strange work shows the Met’s Temple of Dendur on a raft floating down the Nile, destined for Fifth Avenue, where both the Temple & Bronstein’s Haunting Vision are on view. Not in the same room, of course…

The Met’s famed Neapolitan Christmas Tree is reworked in another drawing, but the Met Museum itself is immensely celebrated in a wide spanned work showing it Under Construction!

It looks positively Palladian… Bronstein has included those four Uncarved Blocks of stone atop the four sets of columns on the façade.

I suggested it would have been amusing had he shown, instead, the Four Sculptural Groups that had been originally designed for those blocks in the McKim Meade, & White plans.

[The first time I became aware what should actually be up there was when I was watching the Broadway Musical, Annie.

[From the Salon of Daddy Warbucks’ Mansion--just across Fifth Avenue from the Met Museum--both Annie & her Audiences could see the Original Façade Elevation as designed.]

Instead of having Individual Press Previews for each new Exhibition at the Met, two, three, or four different shows are being Unveiled Simultaneously.

Bamboo Hat
Bamboo Hat

In addition to Pablo Bronstein, there was a remarkable display of the Scroll Drawings & Calligraphies of Luo Ping--appropriately enough titled Eccentric Visions--as well as a huge show of Famed & Familiar American Paintings showing How Ordinary Americans Lived, especially in the 19th Century.

Bingham "The Jolly Boatmen"

If you are a Museum Fanatic, you will surely have seen many of these "Iconic" canvases before, not only at the Met, but at the Brooklyn Museum, in Philadelphia, in DC, in Baltimore, in Cleveland, in LA, or even in Bentonville, Arkansas, where Wal Mart Heiress Fay Walton has her Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

There are 100 canvases by such Native Talents as Peale, Bingham, Copley, Mount, Homer, Eakins, Sargent, Cassat, Chase, Bellows, & Sloan. As this show is not about American Greatness, there is no Portrait of Washington, by Gilbert Stuart.

But he is not excluded: Stuart’s charming portrait of two young girls is on view. But this was a Commission for the Fosters of Dublin, so how can it be an American Story?

Other new Met shows of interest include many of the People Oriented photos Robert Frank made on his Year Long Cross Country Photo Safari, for his book The Americans. This is On the Road Overkill, but not in the Jack Kerouac Mode. Actually, some of Frank’s photos shown here are Iconic. In any case, he severely limited the range of images he ultimately used in his book.

The Met is mounting more small scaled shows from its own Vaults, other Museums, & from Private Collectors. Not a bad idea, with declining Endowments

Watteau "The Union of Comedy and Music"

As for Watteau, Music, & Theatre at the Met, this is inspired by another Anniversary, an occasion for spot lighting some quasi familiar Commedia Images. But Watteau at the Frick is only one of a number of French Artists, including Boucher, Delacroix, Fragonard, Liotard, Millet, & Degas.

Boulee "Fantasy Library"

Watteau is also represented at the Morgan Library, with a delicate sketch of a Temple of Diana. Not as wide ranging as the Frick’s survey of French Drawings, some of the same talents are nonetheless included: Boucher, Fragonard, & Prud’hon.

Jean Louis David’s precise draftsmanship shows in a pristine study for a Neo Classic Masterpiece now at the Met.

The most breath taking of these historic images is Etienne Louis Boullée’s Interior of a Library, which seems like an almost endless Neo Classical Version of either a Fantasy Roman Temple or a Washington DC Subway Station.

Ballet Russes

As for the Contemporary Art of Pakistan, there will be no danger of Museum Looters if Karl Rove & Dick Cheney ever decide to have Halliburton attack those who give Shelter & Support to the Taliban… Several of the works looked like American Inspired Post Modernist Conceptual Knock Offs.

This year, Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes has its 100th Anniversary! More Celebrations!

Not only is there a major Ballets Russes exhibition in the Lincoln Center Performing Arts Library, but Ana Tzarev has also showcased its Heritage with a show of little known Russian Scenic & Costume Designers who carried on its Visual Innovation from the 1920s through the 1960s.

The Morgan Libe & Museum has just launched four new shows, but one of them looks like a Veiled Promo for the forthcoming movie of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are.

Nonetheless, it’s interesting to see the Gestation Process of this famed fable: it began with Wild Horses, rather than Monsters. Early on, Sendak feared he was trying to force the story before its Time…

William Blake drawing

In honor of Puccini’s 150th Anniversary--his Birth, not his Death, the Morgan has mounted an intimate exhibition including his musical sketches of Madama Butterfly & La Bohème. Posters & Programs, personal letters, souvenirs: the Morgan’s collections are rich in such materials.

Even more impressive than the Puccini Materials are the Morgan’s priceless holdings of William Blake, poet, philosopher, water colorist, engraver, & General Genius. Among the 100+ artworks on view are 21 water colors for The Book of Job & 12 for John Milton’s L’Allegro & Il Penseroso.(top of page)


Lincoln & John Brown on Central Park West:

It’s also the 150th Anniversary of Abolitionist John Brown’s doomed Raid on Harper’s Ferry, now best remembered in Julia Ward Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic, with the quotable "John Brown’s Body lies a mouldering in the grave…"

This interesting if small scale & low light exhibition at the N Y Historical Society complements the Slavery in New York panels in the Henry Luce Archival Center, both of which salute Abraham Lincoln’s 200th Anniversary, also celebrated at the NYHS.

All of these exhibitions profit immensely from the Gilder Lehrman Collection of original Documents of American History, formerly housed at the Morgan Library, but moved to Central Park West when the Morgan was Post Modernized.

Although Lincoln visited New York City only five times, his first, the famed 1860 Cooper Union Address gave him National Recognition.

This NYHS installation has many original Lincoln penned documents--most of which are now faint & difficult to read--which are immensely enhanced by impressive graphic constructions that help put all into context.

New York City profited immensely as a major provider for the Union Troops in the Civil War, but it was also a center of "Copperhead" support for the Confederacy! Behind a fanciful cut out construction of a Saloon Bar stand four of them, including August Belmont, Frederick Law Olmstead--creator of Central Park, & Samuel Finley Breese Morse, inventor of the Telegraph! Who would have thought such men would have backed the Wrong Horse? Didn’t Belmont have a Race Track?(top of page)


Half a Century for the Guggenheim, also Lincoln Center!

The Guggenheim Museum is celebrating its 50th Birthday this Autumn, but so is Lincoln Center, built on the site of the Slum that inspired West Side Story! Talk about a year of Anniversaries! In fact, Wednesday, 21 October, will be a FREE DAY at the Guggenhiem, in honor of the Occasion!

This could be just the day to check out its wildly colorful Chronology of the Art works of Vasily Kandinsky, almost the Core of the Guggenheim’s Collections, even its Reason for Being.

For Your Scribe, however, even more interesting were the photos of Kandinsky & Gabriele Münter, during their time together in Murnau, in what the Locals called the "Rus Haus," referencing his Origins.

Way back in 1958, I taught two semesters in Murnau for the University of Maryland Overseas. One of my students pointed out Münter’s charming Chalet Style Home, but I had already come to know her work in Munich. Murnau & Bavaria were favored subjects, as they lay ready to hand.

The Rus Haus was not then, as it is today, a Münter Museum. But I introduced myself to the Housekeeper--to whom the house seemed to have been left--who permitted me to photograph the artworks & the comfy interiors, including a wonderful wooden staircase, carved & decorated by Kandinsky himself!

It may seem unfair that Gabriele Münter is so little known in the United States, but that’s a function of where most of her canvases & sketches are preserved.

The early artist years of Georgia O’Keeffe, oddly enough, were not all that well known either, even in her own country. For some Art Curmudgeons, Woman’s Place was in the Home--except for Mary Cassat.

They weren’t really ready for Women Painters nor for Abstractions, but the O’Keefe Abstractions now at the Whitney are riotously, sensuously, colorfully Wonderful.

Perhaps O’Keeffe’s Tragedy is to be thought of as That Woman who paints Flowers like Vaginas & Bleached White Steer Skulls out there in the New Mexico Desert… Night Over Taos & all that…(top of page)


Feminist Jewish Artists Confront Orthodoxy!

If you are a Gentile, you really cannot say of the new show at the Jewish Museum that: "It’s all Greek to me!" You may know little of the Orthodox Canon of Religious Holidays, the Appropriate Rituals, the Proper Garbs for Men & Women, but you will soon learn a lot about them. Even as Contemporary Jewish Artists are trying to Update or even Subvert some of the Traditions.

Allan Wexler - Gardening Sukkah

Just as Aristotle--a Greek, not a Hebrew--referred to "Women, Slaves & other wholly worthless Beings," so also have Women been treated as somewhat Second Class in the Patriarchal Religion of Israel.

Traditionally, Women may not testify in a Halakah Court, as their testimony lacks the Validity & Credibility of Men’s Swearings. Aristotle would surely have approved…

But not the Feminist artist Helène Aylon: she has created in wood an actual Court--titled All Rise--for administration of Feminine Halakah!

This is, as yet, a Theological & Moral Impossibility: Unacceptable to Orthodox Rabbis & the Lubavitchers, though there’s No Telling what Reform Jews may eventually Innovate…

How about Rachel Kanter’s Fringed Garment? This is another Feminist Statement, although one made in Fabric, not in Words. Kanter has combined a Woman’s Apron with a Man’s Prayer Shawl, traditionally only worn by Males…

Several Millennia ago, the Jews in Israel & Judea were primarily an Agricultural People, so celebrating a successful Autumnal Harvest was a Major Festival, known as Sukkot, which even today lasts an entire week.

But you are not supposed to eat the fruits of your Harvest Inside: the whole family has to be Outside, in Nature, in the Sukkah booth. That’s why so many homes in Brooklyn have those odd structures on the balconies of their homes.

Whether the Harvest Food they eat was actually grown in their back yards–or was purchased at Gristede’s--is not really that important. But the Tradition is Important…

Allan Wexler has designed & built a Gardening Sukkah on wheels, completely outfitted with Gardening Tools, wooden table & benches, Kosher dishes: this is something that one could use all year round in the backyard!

Actually, it is so well imagined & designed that it looks like it was just made from a Home Depot build it yourself Kit! (top of page)


From Ceramic Clays to Kaolin Porcelains:

Porcelain Elephant

The Vienna Porcelains at the Met are interesting, both because of their Historical Associations & their Consummate Artistry. Actually, the Du Paquier Porcelain Manufactory was only the second--after Meissen--to be able to make fine Bone China from Kaolin rather than from lesser clays. Royal Nymphenburg in Munich came afterward.

These beautifully modeled & painted China Artworks were favorites of the Habsburg Court, as well as with other Aristocrats. Eventually, the Austrian State took over the factory, for the Porcelains made impressive gifts to other Courts.

That was already the case in the Fontana Workshops in Urbino, some two centuries earlier, but the Renaissance Era Princely Gifts were made of richly decorated tin glazed Ceramics, not Porcelain.

Judgement of Paris

Those Maiolica objects now on view at the Frick are notable for the intricate Grotesques used to decorate the rim of a splendid Dish, the surfaces of a Basin or Wine Cooler, & the sides of elegant Snake Handled Vases.

But the Grotesques are only framings for elaborate Central Images, Classical & Mythical. The Basin features a Battle of Elephants, commissioned by the Duke of Urbino as part of a gift of a Maiolica Service to King Philip II of Spain.

The Dish displays a splendid Judgment of Paris, with Nude & Buxom Goddesses.

Two of the four handsomely decorated Vases on display have central roundels that--despite the Official Descriptions--seem to depict in their backgrounds Renaissance Concepts of the Tower of Babel. Or is this just My Imagination? (top of page)


Celebrating the Arts in the Former B. Altman Building:

The CUNY Graduate Center used to be on West 42nd Street, across from Bryant Park & the NYPL. Its ground floor gallery was a kind of Open Mall that ran from 42nd to 43rd Streets, with Daily Walk Through Traffic estimated in the Hundreds, if not the Thousands.

Your Scribe was involved in a New York Theatre & the City mall show, as well as an exhibition of my Performing Arts Posters from the three Baltic Republics: Latvia, Estonia, & Lithuania. There was also a show of Swedish Theatre Posters that I had collected & curated.

Now, CUNY is resident in what used to be the B. Altman Building on Fifth at 34th.

There is a major Art Gallery on the ground floor on the Fifth & 35th corner. This is named the James Gallery, with a variety of Art Forms & Installations on view. Experimental does not begin to describe some of the shows…

Silent Pictures closes this week, but the free catalogue should still be available. How about Abstract Comic Strips--sequences of unrelated abstract artwork--or Wordless Novels?

Last Autumn--with changing artists on view two weeks at a time--PEOPLE WEEKLY provoked a variety of responses, but Art Spiegelman’s "What You Wish For," Breakdowns, 2008, certainly touched a Nerve.

Some of the Individual Artist’s Poster Like folded announcements are still available--if you can find a time when the Gallery is actually Open

There is also a ground floor gallery that most visitors miss--even the students--because it is in a long Side Hallway leading to the Martin Segal Theatre & beyond.

Recently it had a remarkable Drawing & Photo Chronology of nearby Murray Hill, from the time of the Revolutionary War to the present.

If you can still remember that Broadway play, The Small War on Murray Hill, you would have especially appreciated the drawing of Mrs. Murray entertaining all the British Officers, while our Revolutionary Officers escaped via the East River!

Remarkable to see all the Changes over the Centuries!

Now the Hallway or Corridor is filled with Alan Turner’s curious drawings of Box Houses, from his Itineraries. (top of page)



At the American Folk Art Museum:

[45 West 53rd Street/NY, NY 10019/Phone: 212 265 1040]

THOMAS CHAMBERS: American Marine & Landscape Painter [1808 1869]

[Closing 7 March 2010]



[Closing 6 September 2010]



[Closing 13 September 2010]



At the American Museum of Natural History:

[Central Park West @79th Street/NY, NY 10024/Phone: 212 769 5100]


[Now on Display in Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems]



At the Ana Tzarev Gallery:

[24 West 57th Street/NY, NY 10019/Phone: 212 586 9800]


Rediscovered Gems of the 20th Century

[Closing 7 October 2009]



At the Asia Society:

[725 Park Avenue @70th Street/NY, NY 10021/Phone: 212 288 6400]

HANGING FIRE; Contemporary Art From Pakistan

[Closing 3 January 2010]



At the Bard Graduate Center Gallery:

[18 West 86th Street/NY, NY 10024/Phone: 212 501 3000]


The World of Margrieta Van Varick

[Closing 3 January 2010]



At the CUNY Grad Center Gallery:

[365 Fifth Ave@34th/NY, NY 10016/Phone: 212 817 7138]


[Closing 11 October 2009]


At the CUNY Grad Center Exhibition Hallway:

[365 Fifth Ave@34th/NY, NY 10016/Phone: 212 817 7138]


[Closing 31 October 2009]



At the Frick Collection:

[1 East 70th Street/NY, NY 10021/Phone: 212 288 0700]

WATTEAU TO DEGAS: French Drawings from the Frtis Lugt Collection

[Closing 6 January 2010]


EXUBERANT GROTESQUES: Renaissance Maiolica from the Fontana Workshop

[Closing 17 January 2010]



At the Grolier Club:

[47 East 60th Street, NY, NY 10022/Phone: 212 838 6690]

IN PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE: 600 Hundred Years of Leipzig University [1409 2009]

[Closing 21 November 2009]


EMBLEMATA: Early Printed Books on Symbolism from the European Renaissance

[Closing 6 November 2009]



At the Guggenheim Museum:

[1071 Fifth Avenue @89th Street/NY, NY 10128/Phone: 212 423 3500]


[Closing 13 January 2010]


GABRIELE MÜNTER & VASILY KANDINSKY: A Life in Photographs [1902 1914]

[Closing 13 January 2010]



At the Jewish Museum:

[1109 Fifth Avenue @92nd Street/NY, NY 10128/Phone: 212 423 3200]

REINVENTING RITUAL: Contemporary Art & Design for Jewish Life

[Closing 7 February 2010]



At Knoedler & Company:

[19 East 70th Street/NY 10021/Phone: 212 794 0550]

CONRAD MARCA RELLI: The New York Years, 1945 19677

[Closing 14 November 2009]


SAUL LEITER: Paintings

[Closing 7 November 2009]



At the Lincoln Center Performing Arts Library & Museum:

[40 Lincoln Center Plaza/NY /NY 10024/Phone: 212 870 1630]

LINCOLN CENTER: Celebrating 50 Years

[Closing 16 January 2010]



At the Metropolitan Museum of Art:

[1000 Fifth Avenue @82nd Street/NY, NY 10028/Phone: 212 535 7710]


[Closing 29 November 2009]



[Closing 29 November 2009]



[Closing 3 January 2010]


ECCENTRIC VISIONS: The Worlds of Luo Ping [1733 1799]

[Closing 10 January 2010]


AMERICAN STORIES: Paintings of Everyday Life [1765 1915]

[Closing 24 January 2010]



[Closing 21 February 2010]


IMPERIAL PRIVILEGE: Vienna Porcelain of Du Paquier [1714 1744]

[Closing 21 March 2010]


SURFACE TENSION: Contemporary Photographs from the Collection

[Closing 16 May 2010]



At the Morgan Library & Museum:

[225 Madison Avenue @36th Street/NY, NY 10016/Phone: 212 685 0008]

WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE: Original Drawings by Maurice Sendak

[Closing 1 November 2009]


WILLIAM BLAKE’S WORLD: "A New Heaven is Begun"

[Closing 3 January 2010]


ROCOCO & REVOLUTION: Eighteenth Century French Drawings

[Closing 3 January 2010]



[Closing 10 January 2010]



At the New York Historical Society:

[170 Central Park West @77th Street/NY, NY 10458/Phone: 212 873 3400]


[Closing 25 March 2010]


JOHN BROWN: The Abolitionist & His Legacy

[Closing 25 March 2010]






[Closing 12 July 2010]



At the New York Public Library:

[5th Avenue @42nd Street/NY, NY 10018/Phone: 212 869 8089]


[Closing 26 June 2010]



At the Rubin Museum of Art:

[150 West 17th Street/NY, NY 10011/Phone: 212 620 5000]

THE RED BOOK OF C. G. JUNG: Creation of a New Cosmology

[Closing 25 January 2010]


MANDALA: The Perfect Circle

[Closing 11 January 2010]


VICTORIOUS ONES: Jain Images of Perfection

[Closing 15 February 2010]



At the Whitney Museum of American Art:

[945 Madison Avenue @75th Street/NY, NY 10021/Phone: 800 WHITNEY]


[Closing 17 January 2010]

Copyright © Glenn Loney 2009. No re publication or broadcast use without proper credit of authorship. Suggested credit line: "Glenn Loney, Curator's Choice." Reproduction rights please contact:

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