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The Gallery Gazetteer

Hatch Billops Collection presents David Fludd for
"Artist and Influence"

by Agate Elie

The Hatch Billops Collection is a not-for-profit research library founded in 1975. Its mission is to collect and preserve materials about Black Cultural Art and make them available for artists, scholars and the general public. Throughout the year, Hatch Billops presents "Artist & Influence." This event hosts African American, Asian and Spanish artists talking about their work in the form of an interview. These oral stories are recorded and become part of the Hatch Billops Collection archives.

Camille Billops interviewing David Fludd. Photo by Agate Elie

On February 7, Hatch Billops interviewed David Fludd to share his work and his career evolution. David Fludd was born in an artistic environment. His father was a painter and his older brother as well. He grew up doing music, puppet theater, drawing and painting. From Morehouse College to Yale, Fludd perfected his style.

Painting and photo by David Fludd, 6'x5'. Acrylic on canvas 2005.



He defines his work as improvisation and open to interpretation. He likes to say that his painting encourages "a formal language" with the audience. This dialogue is possible through the use of the arch shape, a type of geometric prism that combines a square, a triangle and a circle. He likes to play with opposites such as relations of loudness and softness, density and opacity, rhythm and balance.



Painting and photo by David Fludd, 3'x5' acrylic on canvas 2004.

Fludd is a spontaneous painter but also precise and rigorous, trying to reach a perfect balance in the overall painting. Fludd explains that using his layering process, a painting can take months or even years before being finished. First, Fludd lets the paint dry because the result is different from a wet canvas. Second, he needs to put his work aside for long periods of time in order to stand back and have a better understanding of its struture. His work is both contemplative and spontaneous and that is how you feel when you look at the canvases. [By Agate Elie]

The Hatch Billops will present Anna Tanksley on March 6, Michael Cummings on March 20 , David Henderson on April 3, Jimmy Owens on April 10, and Michael Simon on May 15. Hatch Billops is located on 491 Broadway, Seventh Floor, New York.



Chambers Fine Art

Adress: 491 Broadway, seventh Floor, New York
Opening Hours:Sundays: 2 pm-4pm
Price: Free
Official website:

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Agate Elie, a native of France, is a contributor to the Museum Gazeeter.